Erik Solheim
Erik Solheim, a former Norwegian minister of development and minister of the environment, is Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
Making Migration Safe for Climate Nexus
Making Migration Safe for Climate Nexus
Aug 21, 2018 Erik Solheim & William Lacy Swing argue that the effects of a warming planet make unprecedented levels of migration inevitable.
Making the Most of More Aid
Making the Most of More Aid
Apr 10, 2015 Angel Gurría & Erik Solheim propose new ways to channel development assistance more effectively.
Rich Countries’ Dirty Money
Rich Countries’ Dirty Money
Feb 16, 2014 Erik Solheim calls for OECD countries to do more to clamp down on illicit financial flows from the developing world.
A New Deal for Fragile States
A New Deal for Fragile States
May 16, 2013 Erik Solheim on how to curb the armed conflict and violence that affects millions of people around the world.
Why Development Aid is Not Enough
Why Development Aid is Not Enough
Jan 11, 2012 Erik Solheim