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Sustainability Now

1652 commentaries

  1. mpaxton1_jonathanfilskov-photographyGetty Images_mangrove jonathanfilskov-photography/Getty Images

    Nature Needs Its Own ID

    Midori Paxton shows how digital tools can drive a data-driven approach to protecting our planet’s environmental health.
  2. tubiana20_Thierry MonasseGetty Images_eucleanindustrialdeal Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

    What European Security Requires

    Laurence Tubiana warns EU leaders not to go soft on decarbonization in the name of defense or stability.
  3. asakawa3_PoolGettyImages_hindu_kush_glacial_melt Pool/Getty Images

    Meltdown at the Top of the World

    Masatsugu Asakawa urges development banks to act urgently to avert the catastrophic effects of the Himalayas’ thawing glaciers.
  4. oladosu1_Sakorn SukkasemsakornGetty Images_moneyeducation Sakorn Sukkasemsakorn/Getty Images

    Education Belongs on the Climate Agenda

    Adenike Oladosu explains why investing in schools in conflict- and crisis-affected countries would build resilience.
  5. mottley8_CHEWY LINAFP via Getty Images_islandclimatechange Chewy Lin/AFP via Getty Images

    Climate Action Demands Global Fraternity

    Mia Amor Mottley argues that human solidarity must underpin scientific, technological, financial, and diplomatic measures.
  6. haass177_Montinique MonroeGetty Images_trumpoil Montinique Monroe/Getty Images

    Tackling Climate Change in the Age of Trump

    Richard Haass & Carolyn Kissane argue that reconciling what is desirable with what is feasible requires a new approach.
  7. cnobre2_CARL DE SOUZAAFP via Getty Images_amazonfire Carl de Souza/AFP via Getty Images

    The Amazon’s Future Will Be Decided in 2025

    Carlos Nobre & Marielos Peña-Claros warn that the world's largest rainforest is reaching a tipping point, beyond which it will largely disappear.
  8. ekue1_Peter DazeleyGettyImages_green_jar_coins Peter Dazeley/Getty Images

    Getting Green Investment Where It’s Needed Most

    Serge Ekué & Javier Díaz Fajardo propose a strategy to redirect all financial flows toward the climate transition.
  9. bremmer39_Steve PfostNewsday RM via Getty Images_USwindfarm Steve Pfost/Newsday RM via Getty Images

    Trump Will Not Kill the Global Energy Transition

    Ian Bremmer assuages fears that the global energy transition will be thrown into reverse by the new US administration.

This debate is brought to you in part by:

The participation of developing-country media and commentators in the Sustainability Now initiative is supported in part by The Open Society Foundations.

  1. blanchard17_Money SharmaGettyImages_von_der_leyen_modi Money Sharma/Getty Images

    Maintaining Progress in a Post-American World

    Olivier Blanchard & Jean Pisani-Ferry identify four big global challenges that can still be tackled through “coalitions of the willing.”
  2. mueller58_Win McNameeGettyImages_trump_address_to_cognress Win McNamee/Getty Images

    America’s Grotesquely Mediocre Emperor

    Jan-Werner Mueller

    Is Caesarism – a term invented in the nineteenth century to describe Napoleon’s particular form of rule – a good analogy for understanding Donald Trump and his political project? Despite some striking parallels, the illusion that America’s president has created lacks any basis in genuine achievements.

    considers whether there is anything to lean from analogizing Donald Trump to Napoleon.
  3. jheine3_ DANIEL SLIMAFP via Getty Images_OAS Daniel Slim/AFP via Getty Images

    Trump and the Defense of Democracy in the Americas

    Jorge Heine attaches special importance to this month's Organization of American States leadership election.
  4. davies93_ Harold CunninghamGetty Images_BIS Harold Cunningham/Getty Images

    Can Global Banking Rules Survive in a Fractured World?

    Howard Davies warns that changes in US foreign policy jeopardize efforts to create a common regulatory framework.
  5. varoufakis125_NICOLAS TUCATAFP via Getty Images_vonderleyen Nicolas Tucat/AFP via Getty Images

    The Case Against European Rearmament

    Yanis Varoufakis

    If we truly want to strengthen Europe, the first step is not to rearm. It is to forge the democratic union without which stagnation will continue to erode Europe’s capacities, rendering it unable to rebuild what is left of Ukraine once Vladimir Putin is finished with it.

    argues that Europe's security depends above all on forging the democratic union that true strength requires.
  6. rogoff259_Kayla BartkowskiGettyImages_javier_milei Kayla Bartkowski/Getty Images

    What Trump 2.0 Means for Africa and Latin America

    Kenneth Rogoff highlights the far-reaching implications of the new administration’s move to slash foreign-aid funding.
  7. madgavkar21_Picture AllianceGettyImages_demographic_crisis Picture Alliance/Getty Images

    Emerging Economies Must Get Rich Before They Get Old

    Anu Madgavkar & Marc Canal Noguer recommend policies that would mitigate the impact of increased longevity and declining birth rates.
  8. coyle42_Andrew HarnikGetty Images_muskchainsaw Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    Musk and DOGE Are Doing It Wrong

    Diane Coyle highlights the fundamental flaw in the Trump administration’s push to cut red tape and curb wasteful spending.
  9. buruma224_WPA PoolGettyImages_europe_summit WPA Pool/Getty Images

    Who Will Lead the Democratic World?

    Ian Buruma thinks the onus of defending our political freedoms will be on two countries that once tried to destroy them.

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