No US president has ever been as reckless with American values and interests as Donald Trump. While the United Kingdom’s political establishment remains reluctant to challenge him for fear of straining diplomatic ties, it must refuse to be complicit in his malign policies, particularly his abandonment of Ukraine.
LONDON – US President Donald Trump is systematically dismantling the network of multilateral institutions, organizations, and agreements that have helped prevent a third world war for more than 70 years. Yet many governments are twisting themselves into knots trying to downplay his actions, insisting that things are not as they seem, and that even if they are, confronting the menace in the White House simply is not an option. Disagreement must be carefully disguised to avoid provoking his wrath.
LONDON – US President Donald Trump is systematically dismantling the network of multilateral institutions, organizations, and agreements that have helped prevent a third world war for more than 70 years. Yet many governments are twisting themselves into knots trying to downplay his actions, insisting that things are not as they seem, and that even if they are, confronting the menace in the White House simply is not an option. Disagreement must be carefully disguised to avoid provoking his wrath.