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According to the incoming chair of US President Donald Trump’s
Council of Economic Advisers, America runs large trade deficits and
struggles to compete in manufacturing because foreign demand for US
financial assets has made the dollar too strong. It is not a persuasive
is unpersuaded by the argument made by presidential advisers for unilaterally restructuring global trade.
By launching new trade wars and ordering the creation of a Bitcoin reserve, Donald Trump is assuming that US trade partners will pay any price to maintain access to the American market. But if he is wrong about that, the dominance of the US dollar, and all the advantages it confers, could be lost indefinitely.
doubts the US administration can preserve the greenback’s status while pursuing its trade and crypto policies.
Diane Coyle
suggests ways to account for “free” digital services in economic frameworks, considers how to prevent the emergence of AI monopolies, warns that cutting funding for basic research is tantamount to destroying the US economy’s foundations, and more.
这显然是个可以在气候适应力和数字包容性之间创造更多产品和服务的机会,尤其是对金融科技企业和非营利组织而言。一个很好的例子就是入围了2023年“地球奋斗奖”(Earthshot Prize)的南非社会企业Abalobi。该企业开发了一款手机应用程序,让小型渔民可以使用它来输入渔获量并准确显示自己捕鱼的位置。
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