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Trump Is Putin’s Only Hope Now

Following the passage of a long-awaited, multibillion-dollar US military aid package for Ukraine, Vladimir Putin's war effort will resume its downward trajectory. The Kremlin, no longer with time on its side, will desperately await its own savior: the messiah from Mar-a-Lago.

STOCKHOLM – The news this past week was undoubtedly met with relief in Kyiv and with grief in the Kremlin. The US Congress finally broke its six-month logjam and approved a new package of military aid for Ukraine (as well as for Israel and Taiwan). And the breakthrough came only days after EU leaders also committed to providing even more support, in addition to the large aid packages they recently approved. What this will look like is still being determined, but Germany has already pledged yet another Patriot air-defense system – one of the key technologies that has prevented Russia from gaining a decisive advantage – and pressed other EU member states to help bolster Ukraine’s air defenses.