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  • The COVID-19 pandemic has set back the sustainable development agenda in countless ways. Yet by shining a spotlight on issues that can no longer be ignored, and restoring science to its proper place at the center of decision-making processes, the crisis can also spur progress toward building more sustainable, resilient, and inclusive societies. In Back to Health, created with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, leading experts will consider what it will take to seize this opportunity and bring all communities and societies back to health.

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    1. brundtland7_gettyimages_covidtest Getty Images

      A Rights-Based Path to Global Health

      Gro Harlem Brundtland urges world leaders to ensure that COVID-19 recovery efforts do not overlook the poor and marginalized.
    2. posnerodede2_Stefano MontesiCorbis via Getty Images_girlsphone Stefano Montesi/Corbis via Getty Images

      Unlocking Girls’ Potential Through Technology

      Jessica Posner Odede shows how existing technologies can be used to deliver information and services to girls in developing countries.
    3. manlan14_Getty Images_africajobs Getty Images

      Africa’s Human-Capital Imperative

      Carl Manlan reminds policymakers that public health is a prerequisite for economic prosperity and resilience.
    4. berkley11_gettyimages_covax Getty Images

      The Added Value of Vaccination

      Seth Berkley shows how routine immunization programs in poorer countries help to improve global disease surveillance.
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      South Korea’s Health-Centered Development Model

      Lee Jong-Wha argues that the country’s universal-coverage system provides a roadmap for today’s developing economies.
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      Decolonizing Public Health

      Tlaleng Mofokeng describes the pillars of an anti-racist, anti-sexist approach during the pandemic and beyond.
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      Transforming Education After the Pandemic

      Julia Gillard calls on governments to ensure learning opportunities for the world’s most vulnerable children.
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      Preserving Women’s Bodily Autonomy

      Natalia Kanem calls attention to the consequences of impaired sexual and reproductive health services during the pandemic.
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      A Feminist Recovery

      Lina AbiRafeh shows why policies designed by and for women are the key to “building back better” after the pandemic.
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      What We Owe Farmers

      Ajay Vir Jakhar calls for less lecturing about sustainability and more policies based on smallholders' lived experiences.
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      How to Balance Debt and Development

      Homi Kharas & Meagan Dooley urge policymakers to address two collective-action problems that markets cannot resolve on their own.
    13. hawkes5_Getty Images Getty Images

      Lipstick and COVID-19

      Sarah Hawkes & Kent Buse highlight the powerful influence of gender on unequal health outcomes during the pandemic.

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