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The Female Voice

148 commentaries

  1. sirleaf10_ SIMON MAINAAFP via Getty Images_Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images

    Three Cheers for Namibia’s First Female President

    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf explains why Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah’s electoral victory is a defining moment for women’s leadership in Africa.
  2. mfespinosa7_Sean GallupGetty Images_womanCOP29 Sean Gallup/Getty Images

    Did COP29 Fail Women?

    María Fernanda Espinosa is unimpressed by the latest UN Climate Change Conference's outcomes for gender-responsive finance.
  3. PS She Writes Logo

    Each month, She Writes highlights women whose ideas deserve wider attention and offers a curated selection of Project Syndicate’s most incisive commentaries by women from the previous month.

  4. x2wang1_Author_retired_dancers Author

    The Second Glass Ceiling for Women

    Xianghong Wang urges the Chinese government to end its gender-specific mandatory retirement policy and adopt a flexible system.
  5. slaughter107_NurPhotoGettyImages_maternal_health_hospital Nur Photo/Getty Images

    How to End the Scourge of Maternal Mortality

    Anne-Marie Slaughter & Mary-Ann Etiebet propose a global impact hub that could develop measurable milestones and scale up effective solutions.
  6. mahajan1_MONEYSHARMAGettyImages_female_train_driver MONEY SHARMA/Getty Images

    To Prosper, India Must Close Its Gender Employment Gap

    Kanika Mahajan urges policymakers to create an inclusive labor market by implementing business-friendly measures.
  7. constantin2_Paul RatjeThe Washington Post via Getty Images_abortion pills Paul Ratje/The Washington Post via Getty Images

    Self-Managed Abortion Saves Lives

    Andrés Constantin & Katherine Mayall urge policymakers to remove the barriers preventing women from terminating unwanted pregnancies on their own.
  8. chilton1_Karen DuceyGetty Images_USschoollunch Karen Ducey/Getty Images

    The Destructive Legacy of Mass Starvation

    Mariana Chilton thinks the suffering in Gaza should prompt America to confront its own history of genocide and discrimination.
  9. haldar7_Kent Nishimura  Los Angeles Times via Getty Images_abortion rights Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

    Abortion and Reproductive Rights Are Economic Issues

    Laura Tyson shows why abortion, childcare, and parental leave are not merely “family” issues.

This debate is brought to you in part by:

  1. brown117_Robert HradilGetty Images_WHO Robert Hradil/Getty Images

    A Reformed WHO Should Make Its Case to America

    Gordon Brown wants to reassure the Trump administration that a revamped organization could serve US and global interests.
  2. tbunde6_New Look CastingGettyImages_globe_jigsaw New Look Casting/Getty Images

    The Age of Multipolarization

    Tobias Bunde & Sophie Eisentraut think a better future depends on whether a world with more poles can find ways to mitigate dangerous divisions.
  3. eichengreen200_PhotoQuestGettyImages_IBM_computer_france PhotoQuest/Getty Images

    Will US Export Restrictions Work?

    Barry Eichengreen

    Perhaps US efforts to cut off China’s access to advanced semiconductors will be more successful than analogous restrictions on tech exports to France in the 1960s. But we now have at least one data point – DeepSeek – that suggests otherwise.

    questions the effectiveness of efforts to limit China’s access to advanced semiconductors.
  4. qian40_MARK RALSTONAFP via Getty Images_UStradewar Mark Ralston/AFP via Getty Images

    Trump’s Trade War Is About More Than Trade

    Nancy Qian considers the domestic and global implications of the new US administration’s tariff policies.
  5. haldar42_ CHANDAN KHANNAAFP via Getty Images_maga Chandan Khanna/AFP via Getty Images

    What Is MAGAnomics?

    Antara Haldar tries to make sense of the new US administration's internally contradictory economic-policy program.
  6. maxresdefault-1

    PS Events: AI Action Summit

    PS editors present the AI Action Summit event.
  7. laidi34_Maja HitijGettyImages_scholz_frederiksen Maja Hitij/Getty Images

    Europe Can and Must Resist Trump

    Zaki Laïdi explains how the European Union should respond to American imperial nationalism.
  8. bouverot1_JOEL SAGETAFP via Getty Images_aiactionsummit Joel Saget/AFP via Getty Images

    Bending the Arc of AI Development Toward Shared Progress

    Anne Bouverot outlines the French government's objectives for the AI Action Summit in Paris.
  9. hampton2_Luis TatoGettyImages_somalia_debt_crisis Luis Tato/Getty Images

    Developing Countries Need a New Approach to Long-Term Financing

    Hannah Wanjie Ryder & Kate Hampton propose reforms that would facilitate low-interest lending to fund critical climate and development goals.

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