Carlos Manuel Rodriguez
Carlos Manuel Rodriguez is CEO and Chairperson of the Global Environment Facility.
How Public Development Banks Can Help Nature
How Public Development Banks Can Help Nature
Nov 11, 2020 Elizabeth Maruma Mrema & Carlos Manuel Rodriguez highlight the potential of state-backed lenders to promote biodiversity and sustainable development.
Toward a Global Biodiversity Accord
Toward a Global Biodiversity Accord
Nov 7, 2019 Carlos Manuel Rodriguez & Alvaro Cedeno Molinari list ten priorities that should be included in a new international framework for conservation policy.
The Latest Climate Science Must Mobilize Us, not Paralyze Us
The Latest Climate Science Must Mobilize Us, not Paralyze Us
Oct 8, 2018 Mónica Araya & Carlos Manuel Rodriguez urge greater ambition by policymakers in response to the IPCC's dire new conclusions about global temperature.