David Amiel
David Amiel, a member of the French National Assembly, is Special Rapporteur of the Budget for Environmental Policies and a member of the Finance Committee and the European Affairs Committee. He coordinated the conception of French President Emmanuel Macron’s campaign platforms in 2017 and 2022 and is a former policy adviser to the president (2017-19).
A Green Economy Needs More Than Subsidies
A Green Economy Needs More Than Subsidies
Dec 6, 2023 David Amiel explains why achieving climate goals requires a broader combination of sector-specific policy instruments.
A Grassroots Antidote to Populism
A Grassroots Antidote to Populism
Jun 25, 2019 Ismaël Emelien & David Amiel urge the West's collapsing mainstream political parties to demonstrate “progressivism in action.”