Edmund S. Phelps
Edmund S. Phelps, the 2006 Nobel laureate in economics and Director of the Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University, is author of Mass Flourishing and co-author of Dynamism.
Recovering Prosperity
Recovering Prosperity
Sep 28, 2021 Edmund S. Phelps & Mohammad A. Salhut argue that the key to success is to nurture the values that drive innovation.
An Interview with Edmund S. Phelps
An Interview with Edmund S. Phelps
May 4, 2021 Edmund S. Phelps identifies thinkers who led economics astray, assesses China’s innovative capacity, and shows why employment subsidies would do far more good than a universal basic income.
The Economic Case for Biden
The Economic Case for Biden
Sep 21, 2020 Edmund S. Phelps explains why the Democratic ticket is better not just for American democracy but also for the US economy.
Poverty as Injustice
Poverty as Injustice
Aug 28, 2020 Edmund S. Phelps considers how Western societies can strike a balance between social support and economic growth.
The Robot Question
The Robot Question
Aug 6, 2020 Edmund S. Phelps considers the effects of automation and artificial intelligence from the perspective of welfare economics.