John B. Taylor
John B. Taylor, a former under-secretary of the US Treasury (2001-05), is Professor of Economics at Stanford University and a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. He is the author of Global Financial Warriors and co-author (with George P. Shultz) of Choose Economic Freedom.
The Fed’s State of Exception
The Fed’s State of Exception
Aug 12, 2021 John B. Taylor warns that the central bank’s deviation from monetary-policy rules can’t last indefinitely.
Is the Fed Getting Burned Again?
Is the Fed Getting Burned Again?
Jun 25, 2021 John B. Taylor worries that monetary policymakers have forgotten the lessons of the 1970s and 1980s.
The Stimulus Didn’t Work, Again
The Stimulus Didn’t Work, Again
Jun 2, 2021 John B. Taylor shows that a year of economic impact payments had no meaningful impact on household consumption.
America’s Excessive Government Spending Must Stop
America’s Excessive Government Spending Must Stop
Feb 23, 2021 George P. Shultz, et al. argue that US policymakers' fiscal recklessness is creating grave economic and national-security risks.
The Stampede from Silicon Valley
The Stampede from Silicon Valley
Dec 28, 2020 John B. Taylor explains how California policymakers can reverse the growing stampede of tech firms out of the state.