Juergen Braunstein
Juergen Braunstein, a fellow at Harvard University’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, is a member of the G20 task force on social cohesion and the state.
What Caused the COVID-19 Testing Deficit?
What Caused the COVID-19 Testing Deficit?
Apr 30, 2020 Sachin Silva & Juergen Braunstein propose a global platform to coordinate the development and production of diagnostics for pandemic diseases.
The COVID-19 Cash Out
The COVID-19 Cash Out
Mar 19, 2020 Juergen Braunstein, et al. see the pandemic accelerating a shift toward digital payments – and away from pathogen-carrying banknotes.
The Rise of Silicon China
Free to read
The Rise of Silicon China
Apr 3, 2018 Marion Laboure, et al. explain how leading Chinese tech firms have quickly gained an edge in the field of artificial intelligence.