Kristen Ghodsee
Kristen Ghodsee, Professor of Russian and East European Studies and a member of the Graduate Group in Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, is the author of Red Valkyries: Feminist Lessons from Five Revolutionary Women.
An Interview with Kristen Ghodsee
An Interview with Kristen Ghodsee
Mar 15, 2022 Kristen Ghodsee considers social factors that may have made Ukraine seem vulnerable to Russia, identifies socialist-era policies that countries today should adopt, and highlights how that era was better for women in one key sense.
Why Won't Eastern Europeans Get Vaccinated?
Why Won't Eastern Europeans Get Vaccinated?
Nov 8, 2021 Kristen Ghodsee & Mitchell A. Orenstein argue that low inoculation rates reflect not the legacy of communism, but rather the legacy of its collapse.
Revolutions for Whom?
Revolutions for Whom?
Nov 1, 2019 Kristen Ghodsee & Mitchell A. Orenstein note that in many post-communist countries, GDP per capita remains below its level 30 years ago.
How Banning Abortion Will Transform America
How Banning Abortion Will Transform America
May 15, 2019 Maria Bucur & Kristen Ghodsee warn that a new wave of prohibition portends a future of maternal death, bad sex, and wrecked relationships.