Ma Jian
Ma Jian is the author of the novels Beijing Coma, The Noodle-Maker, and The Dark Road. He is currently a visiting fellow at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Berlin.
A Life Lived in Truth
A Life Lived in Truth
Jul 21, 2017 Ma Jian examines the work and legacy of his friend and fellow dissident, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo.
A Son of the Cultural Revolution
A Son of the Cultural Revolution
May 10, 2016 Ma Jian draws chilling parallels between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Mao Zedong.
Bo Xilai Between the Dragon and His Wrath
Bo Xilai Between the Dragon and His Wrath
Aug 7, 2013 Ma Jian
China’s Show Trial of the Century
China’s Show Trial of the Century
Aug 20, 2012 Ma Jian sees the Bo Xilai/Gu Kailai affair as evidence of a fractured Chinese leadership.
Britain’s Cultural Kowtow
Britain’s Cultural Kowtow
Apr 12, 2012 Ma Jian