Marina Zucker-Marques
Marina Zucker-Marques, a senior academic researcher at the Boston University Global Development Policy Center, is co-chair of the financial rules and regulations topic of T20 Brazil Task Force 3 on Reforming the International Financial Architecture.
The World Needs Bigger and Better Financial Firefighters
The World Needs Bigger and Better Financial Firefighters
Sep 18, 2024 Marina Zucker-Marques & Kevin P. Gallagher call for reforms to make the IMF and the World Bank larger, more equitable, and less focused on austerity.
Multilateral Development Banks Must Participate in Debt Relief
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Multilateral Development Banks Must Participate in Debt Relief
Oct 4, 2023 Ulrich Volz & Marina Zucker-Marques explain why accepting a haircut is not only right and necessary but also feasible and cost-effective.