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Mark Cliffe

Mark Cliffe

7 commentaries
1 videos & podcasts

Mark Cliffe is Visiting Professor at the London Institute of Banking and Finance.

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  1. The Fed’s Climate Complacency
    cliffe8_Liu JieXinhua via Getty Images_fed Liu Jie/Xinhua via Getty Images

    The Fed’s Climate Complacency

    Feb 7, 2023 Mark Cliffe warns that the US central bank’s approach to climate risk falls woefully short of what is needed.

  2. The Sting of Climate Risk Is in the Tails
    cliffe7_ EDUARDO SOTERASAFP via Getty Images_drought eastern africa EDUARDO SOTERAS/AFP via Getty Images

    The Sting of Climate Risk Is in the Tails

    Sep 22, 2022 Mark Cliffe thinks conventional models have overemphasized the long term at the expense of more immediate threats.

  3. The Case for Green Consumer Taxes
    cliffe6_GEOFF CADDICKAFP via Getty Images_greentaxcar Geoff Caddick/AFP via Getty Images

    The Case for Green Consumer Taxes

    Apr 20, 2021 Mark Cliffe proposes an old idea whose time has come as governments seek a sustainable and inclusive post-pandemic recovery.

  4. A Sustainable Recovery Must Be More Than Green
    op_cliffe3_ATTILA KISBENEDEKAFP via Getty Images_climatechangeprotest Attila Kisbenedek/AFP via Getty Images

    A Sustainable Recovery Must Be More Than Green

    Jun 10, 2020 Mark Cliffe proposes how best to advance climate-mitigation and adaptation policies in the coming months.

  5. There’s More to Life than GDP
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    There’s More to Life than GDP

    Dec 26, 2019 Mark Cliffe points out the many holes in the prevailing approach to measuring welfare, and fears they are growing bigger.

  1. varoufakis125_NICOLAS TUCATAFP via Getty Images_vonderleyen Nicolas Tucat/AFP via Getty Images

    The Case Against European Rearmament

    Yanis Varoufakis

    If we truly want to strengthen Europe, the first step is not to rearm. It is to forge the democratic union without which stagnation will continue to erode Europe’s capacities, rendering it unable to rebuild what is left of Ukraine once Vladimir Putin is finished with it.

    argues that Europe's security depends above all on forging the democratic union that true strength requires.
  2. rogoff259_Kayla BartkowskiGettyImages_javier_milei Kayla Bartkowski/Getty Images

    What Trump 2.0 Means for Africa and Latin America

    Kenneth Rogoff

    US President Donald Trump’s decision to shut down USAID will deal a severe blow to African countries, weakening public-health systems and eroding American credibility. But Trump’s return could trigger a long-overdue rightward shift in Latin America after decades of failed socialist experiments.

    highlights the far-reaching implications of the new administration’s move to slash foreign-aid funding.
  3. madgavkar21_Picture AllianceGettyImages_demographic_crisis Picture Alliance/Getty Images

    Emerging Economies Must Get Rich Before They Get Old

    Anu Madgavkar & Marc Canal Noguer recommend policies that would mitigate the impact of increased longevity and declining birth rates.
  4. coyle42_Andrew HarnikGetty Images_muskchainsaw Andrew Harnik/Getty Images

    Musk and DOGE Are Doing It Wrong

    Diane Coyle highlights the fundamental flaw in the Trump administration’s push to cut red tape and curb wasteful spending.
  5. buruma224_WPA PoolGettyImages_europe_summit WPA Pool/Getty Images

    Who Will Lead the Democratic World?

    Ian Buruma thinks the onus of defending our political freedoms will be on two countries that once tried to destroy them.
  6. blanquer1_Leonardo CendamoGetty Images_boualemsansal Leonardo Cendamo/Getty Images

    The World Must Rally Around Algeria’s Hunger Artist

    Jean-Michel Blanquer calls for global solidarity with the writer Boualem Sansal, unjustly detained and dying for freedom.
  7. marin30_Hu XiaofeiVCG via Getty Images_carproductionrobots Hu Xiaofei/VCG via Getty Images

    The End of Globalization as We Know It

    Dalia Marin examines how rising uncertainty and progress on automation have changed firms' views on global value chains.
  8. lachman2_Nur PhotoGettyImages_euros Nur Photo/Getty Images

    Will Trump Trigger a Eurozone Debt Crisis?

    Desmond Lachman hopes the US president recognizes that his proposed tariffs could quickly blow back on the US.
  9. klee24_Andry DenisahSOPA ImagesLightRocket via Getty Images_indonesianickel Andry Denisah/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    Indonesia’s Incomplete Industrial Strategy

    Keun Lee & Marco Kamiya point out that, for emerging and developing economies, attracting foreign direct investment is not enough.

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