Mark Paul
Mark Paul is an assistant professor of economics at New College of Florida.
America’s Bipartisan Climate-Policy Failure
America’s Bipartisan Climate-Policy Failure
Jun 21, 2019 Mark Paul & Connor Rupp hope a growing chorus of new voices can bring an end to the Democratic Party's “climate-change denial lite.”
A Carbon Dividend Is Better than a Carbon Tax
A Carbon Dividend Is Better than a Carbon Tax
May 15, 2019 Mark Paul & Anthony Underwood argue that putting a price on emissions won't work if it alienates lower- and middle-income voters.
Overcoming the Ideology of Climate Inaction
Overcoming the Ideology of Climate Inaction
Feb 25, 2019 Anders Fremstad & Mark Paul argue that neoliberal policymaking continues to fuel global warming and stand in the way of solutions.
The Case for a US Public Banking Option
The Case for a US Public Banking Option
Sep 6, 2018 Thomas Herndon & Mark Paul argue that government-provided financial services would ensure universal access and strengthen consumer protection.
No Robo-Apocalypse
No Robo-Apocalypse
Jul 20, 2018 Mark Paul argues that we should be much more worried about bad policymaking than automation and artificial intelligence.