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This trend will likely accelerate over the next few years, as technological innovations enable companies to automate more high-skilled jobs. Tellingly, just days after laying off 10,000 workers, Microsoft announced plans to invest $10 billion in OpenAI, the San-Francisco-based company that developed ChatGPT. The ultimate winners of the war for talent, it seems, will be the machines.
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US President Donald Trump’s import tariffs have triggered a wave of retaliatory measures, setting off a trade war with key partners and raising fears of a global downturn. But while Trump’s protectionism and erratic policy shifts could have far-reaching implications, the greatest victim is likely to be the United States itself.
warns that the new administration’s protectionism resembles the strategy many developing countries once tried.
It took a pandemic and the threat of war to get Germany to dispense with the two taboos – against debt and monetary financing of budgets – that have strangled its governments for decades. Now, it must join the rest of Europe in offering a positive vision of self-sufficiency and an “anti-fascist economic policy.”
welcomes the apparent departure from two policy taboos that have strangled the country's investment.
发自慕尼黑——对人才的争夺在过去近二十年间塑造了世界各地企业的经营和管理方式。由于企业的价值主要来自于其人力资本而非物质资产,一支有才能的员工队伍要比厂房或机器更受青睐。2001年知名管理顾问彼得·德鲁克(Peter Drucker)发表了一篇题为《下一个社会》的文章指出有必要给予他所谓的知识工作者更多自由度,因为本世纪的关键战争是争夺人才的战争。而他几乎是对的。
我与论文合著者蒂埃里·维蒂埃(Thierry Verdier,巴黎经济学院教授)表明这种深刻的企业性质变化主要是由全球化推动的。随着企业进入新的市场寻找可供雇佣的优秀劳动者,有价值员工更可能被外国竞争者抢走,因而助长了对人才的争夺。为了吸引和留住人力资本,企业开始向表现出色者提供越来越高的工资和更大的决策权。
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At a time of escalating global turmoil, there is an urgent need for incisive, informed analysis of the issues and questions driving the news – just what PS has always provided.
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This trend will likely accelerate over the next few years, as technological innovations enable companies to automate more high-skilled jobs. Tellingly, just days after laying off 10,000 workers, Microsoft announced plans to invest $10 billion in OpenAI, the San-Francisco-based company that developed ChatGPT. The ultimate winners of the war for talent, it seems, will be the machines.