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  • Around the world, foreign-policy strategists are grappling with new international dynamics, from the Sino-American rivalry and ongoing hot wars to the broader breakdown in multilateral global governance. However, there is much debate about whether global power and alignments are truly shifting, and in what ways.

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    1. ignatieff4

      Making or Breaking Democracy

      Michael Ignatieff

      As US President Joe Biden seeks a mandate to restore the postwar international order, Donald Trump, his likely opponent, does not care if it burns to the ground. The future of American democracy and global leadership, as well as the fate of Ukraine and countless other US allies, hangs in the balance.

      worries that America’s internal divisions will weaken global stability in the runup to the November election.
    2. jpatel1_Mahmoud HjajAnadolu Agency via Getty Images_sudan Mahmoud Hjaj/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

      The Great Fragmentation

      Beata Javorcik thinks efforts to block the Chinese economy’s access to key technologies risks doing more harm than good.
    3. mallochbrown18_Spencer-Platt_Getty Images Spencer Platt/Getty Images

      The Outlook for Multilateralism in 2024

      Mark Malloch-Brown considers whether sorely needed reforms to global-governance institutions are still possible or likely.
    4. indrawati14_ChristopheGateauPictureAlliance_via Getty Images Christophe Gateau/picture alliance via Getty Images

      Restoring Trust in Global Leadership

      Sri Mulyani Indrawati calls on the international community to mitigate the threats posed by conflicts and climate change.
    5. machado2_SCHNEYDER MENDOZAAFP via Getty Images_machado Schneyder Mendoza/AFP via Getty Images

      Venezuela’s New Dawn

      María Corina Machado urges the international community to support and help accelerate the country’s democratic transition.
    6. delong254_ Samuel CorumGetty Images_january6riot Samuel Corum/Getty Images

      American Anxiety

      Joseph E. Stiglitz worries global economic and political developments will put Donald Trump back in the White House.
    7. Q1-GettyImages-1782198740-4896x1224px

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    8. fischer209_EYAD BABAAFP via Getty Images_israel palestine EYAD BABA/AFP via Getty Images

      Could the Israel-Hamas War Lead to Peace?

      Charles A. Kupchan

      It is hard to see anything good coming from the current spasm of violence between Israel and Hamas. But this tragedy, which has forced both Israelis and Palestinians to stare into the abyss, might prove to be a turning point that will clear the path for a lasting peace.

      considers how the current conflagration might pave the way for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    9. tymoshenko30_UkrinformNurPhoto_via Getty Images Ukrinform/NurPhoto via Getty Images

      The Battles Ukraine Has Already Won

      Yuliya Tymoshenko touts three successes that make ultimate victory in the war against Russia more likely.
    10. laidi30_PavelByrkinSputnikAFP_via Getty Images Pavel Byrkin/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

      Europe’s Chinese New Year

      Zaki Laïdi describes the delicate balance the EU is seeking to strike in its relationship with the People’s Republic.
    11. ang13_CFOTOFuturePublishing_via Getty Images CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images

      The Moral of the China Story

      Yuen Yuen Ang explains why the world’s second-largest economy has gone from being a model to a warning in just six years.
    12. anadol1_DvorakDreams Refik Anadol
      Free to read

      The AI Question We Should Be Asking

      Refik Anadol & Karel Komárek consider the technology’s potential to enhance quintessentially human activities, from art to finance.
    13. deaton18_WinMcNamee_GettyImages Win McNamee/Getty Images

      Progress in Peril

      Angus Deaton reflects on the apparent reversal in global economic development and its implications for the future.

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