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  • Political backlash evolved in 2018 into a global whiplash. The Great Disruption explores what is driving this growing rebellion against the assumptions that have shaped the international order since World War II.

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    1. stiglitz_yef_trump_win mcnamee_getty Win McNamee/Getty Images

      A Very Trumpian Year

      Joseph E. Stiglitz foresees growing anxiety as a result of plutocratic economic policies and populist politics.
    2. burleigh_yef_trump putin_brendan smialowski_getty Brendan Smialowski/Getty Images

      The Second Coming of Fascism?

      Michael Burleigh thinks we are witnessing not the rise of new Mussolinis, but the decay of modern conservatism.
    3. froman3_In Pictures Ltd.Corbis via Getty Image_china worker In Pictures Ltd./Corbis via Getty Images

      The Future of Free Trade

      Michael Froman reflects on what a year of disruption augurs for the international system and the global economy.
    4. aibrahim1_Rahman RoslanGetty Images_anwar ibrahim Rahman Roslan/Getty Images

      How Democracy Is Won

      Anwar Ibrahim reflects on Malaysia’s historic May 2018 election, and explains the new government’s reform agenda.
    5. deaton6_ERIC BARADATAFPGetty Images_homeless US Eric Baradat/AFP/Getty Images

      How American Poverty Became “Fake News”

      Angus Deaton accuses the Trump administration of manipulating the data on the number of poor people in the United States.
    6. mogherini2_Dominika ZarzyckaNurPhoto via Getty Images_federica mogherini Dominika Zarzycka/NurPhoto via Getty Images

      Shaping Europe’s Present and Future

      Federica Mogherini explains the European Union’s approach to defense and security in today’s challenging global environment.
    7. Q1-GettyImages-1782198740-4896x1224px

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    8. brown53_imaginima_Getty Images_globalization imaginima/Getty Images

      Globalization at a Crossroads

      Gordon Brown argues that cross-border collaboration is even more important now than after the 2008 financial crisis.
    9. tirole1_Leon Neal_Getty Images_Google eye Leon Neal/Getty Images

      Regulating the Disrupters

      Jean Tirole offers a blueprint for rethinking antitrust policies, labor laws, and taxation in the age of Big Tech.
    10. edwards9_Roman Camacho_SOPA Images_LightRocket via Getty Images_chavez parade Roman Camacho/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

      The New Old Populism

      Sebastián Edwards sees similarities between the West’s nationalist turn and Latin America’s historical experience.
    11. pgoldberg1_GOH CHAI HIN_AFP_Getty Images_china wto man Goh Chai Hin/AFP/Getty Images

      What Next for Global Trade?

      Pinelopi Koujianou Goldberg considers previous recent episodes of US protectionism, and suggests why this time might be different.
    12. juncker2_BEN STANSALLAFPGetty Images_european union Ben Stansall/AFP/Getty Images

      The World Needs Europe

      Jean-Claude Juncker outlines a vision for global leadership in an increasingly fractured international system.
    13. carstens2_Zhao YanxiongSouthern Metropolis DailyVCG via Getty Images_wechat paying Zhao Yanxiong/Southern Metropolis Daily/VCG via Getty Images

      Harnessing the Fintech Revolution

      Agustín Carstens explains how policymakers can reap the benefits of new innovations, while containing the downside risks.

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