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  • In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated a process of deglobalization that was already underway, exposed deep disparities in the quality of governance around the world, and cast a shadow of anxiety across all societies. Even more ominously, recovering from the crisis will require a political stability, policy coherence, and international cooperation on a scale not witnessed in years.

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    1. diamond1_STR_AFP via Getty Images_field hospital covid STR/AFP via Getty Images

      How Might COVID-19 Change the World?

      Jared Diamond sees reason to hope that the pandemic will galvanize support for combating other global problems.
    2. haseltine5_Brian van der Brug  Los Angeles Times via Getty Images_covid hospital Brian van der Brug/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images

      There Will Be No Quick COVID Fix

      William A. Haseltine thinks placing all our hopes in science to deliver a medical solution to the pandemic is a grave mistake.
    3. berglof29_JOSH EDELSONAFP via Getty Images_social distancing Josh Edelson/AFP via Getty Images

      Learning to Live with COVID-19

      Erik Berglöf urges citizens and their leaders to stop hoping that a vaccine will soon restore life as we knew it.
    4. binagwaho5_SIMON WOHLFAHRTAFP via Getty Images_rwanda covid Simon Wohfahrt/AFP via Getty Images

      Lessons from Rwanda’s Fight Against COVID-19

      Agnes Binagwaho shows that an emphasis on equity and access in health care can be more effective than the best technologies.
    5. jin22_ Feature ChinaBarcroft Media via Getty Images_china shipping Feature China/Barcroft Media via Getty Images

      The Shape of China’s Recovery

      Keyu Jin identifies three areas of concern in an otherwise prudent and well-crafted economic-policy strategy.
    6. stiglitz280_Thierry MonasseGetty Images_eu meeting Thierry Monasse/Getty Images

      A Global Recovery’s Leading Variables

      Joseph E. Stiglitz explains what it will take to overcome the lasting effects of the global COVID-19 crisis.
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    8. tubiana9_ JOHANNES MYBURGHAFP via Getty Images_amazon forest fires Johannes Myburgh/AFP via Getty Images

      Getting Back on the Paris Climate Track

      Laurence Tubiana thinks that 2020 lent new momentum to global climate action after years of deepening uncertainty.
    9. guzman15_Muhammed Emin Canik_Anadolu Agency via Getty Images_argentina protest Muhammed Emin Canik/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

      Debt and Disease

      Martín Guzmán shares lessons from Argentina's successful sovereign-debt restructuring amid the COVID-19 crisis.
    10. elbaradei4_Universal History ArchiveUniversal Images Group via Getty Images_history third crusade Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

      Who Is Attacking Whom?

      Mohamed ElBaradei calls for a grass-roots dialogue aimed at reframing the relationship between the West and the Islamic world.
    11. khor1_zhengshun tang_getty images_coronavirus Zhengshun Tang/Getty Images

      Has COVID-19 Killed Asia’s Growth Miracle?

      Hoe Ee Khor urges governments and firms not to abandon global supply chains in response to the pandemic.
    12. borrell5_FRANCISCO SECOPOOLAFP via Getty Images_josep borrell Francisco Seco/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

      Europe’s Watershed Year

      Josep Borrell praises the EU's response to the pandemic, and foresees a two-point agenda for the bloc in 2021 and beyond.
    13. reinhart44_ JUSTIN TALLISAFP via Getty Images_uk virus Justin Tallis/AFP via Getty Images

      The Quiet Financial Crisis

      Carmen M. Reinhart warns that the pandemic’s impact on household and corporate balance sheets jeopardizes economic recovery.

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