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US President Donald Trump’s return to the White House represents a grave threat to Europe’s security, economy, and clean-energy transition. The European Union’s top priority must be to find ways to reduce energy prices, even if it means recalibrating some of its green policies.
urges EU policymakers not to allow the new US administration to distract them from key policy priorities.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, the image of Big Tech founders and CEOs filling the front row at Donald Trump’s inauguration is a manifesto. We have just watched private business take over the US government in broad daylight, and history suggests that this won’t end well.
sees no daylight remaining between US private business and the federal government.
Yi Fuxian
warns that China's government and mainstream analysts are still underestimating the severity of the country's demographic crisis, identifies some of the gravest policy mistakes Donald Trump's administration is at risk of making vis-a-vis China, explains why China’s middle class will never be strong enough to bring about a democratic transition, and more.
Donald Trump’s return marks the start of an anti-Davos age, defined by the lack not only of a global order but also of any desire to create one. The world should expect deeper fragmentation and chaos in the face of unresolved crises and frequent disruptions.
thinks there will be no return to the postwar global order of universally shared rules and institutions.
新德里—1798年,英国经济学家托马斯·马尔萨斯(Thomas Malthus)做出了可怕的预测,如今,世界人口增加了近十倍,而生产的粮食足以养活这些人口。今天的脸是问题不是绝对稀缺,而是粮食分配的不公平和消费的不理性,以至于在两个极端都出现了广泛的营养不良:世界最贫困人群因为营养不足而死去或造成认知障碍,而其他人因为肥胖而面临死亡或疾病。
小行星研究所(Small Planet Institute)和塔夫茨大学(Tufts University)的蒂莫西·怀斯(Timothy Wise)在他的新书中指出,“所谓的‘我们’养活‘世界’的神话是第一世界的终极自负。”全球北方的工业农场和跨国农商公司并没有生产出世界粮食产量的大头,70%的粮食来自数以百万计的小农,特别是发展中国家。
Secure your copy of PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025
Our annual flagship magazine, PS Quarterly: The Year Ahead 2025, has arrived. To gain digital access to all of the magazine’s content, and receive your print copy, subscribe to PS Digital Plus now.
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比如,在马拉维,在其他初衷良好的农业政策带来意料之外的负面结果之后,小生产商已经采取行动。十多年前,马拉维试图通过向小农发放优惠券购买种子和化肥来提高玉米产量。一开始,收成显著提高,甚至出现了《马拉维奇迹》(Malawi Miracle)的报道(跨国种子和化肥公司也从中获益)。但这一成功导致了单一玉米化,长此以往,土壤酸度增加,肥力下降。农民不得不购买更多种子和化肥来维持收成,也没有证据表明马拉维农村饥饿状况有所减轻。