IMF building Javier Ignacio Acuña Ditzel/Flickr

How to Reform the IMF Now

Reforms that would double the IMF's resources and reorganize its governing structure in favor of developing countries have been held up in the US Congress for more than four years. The best way forward would be to decouple the part of the reforms that requires ratification by the US Congress from the rest of the package.

WASHINGTON, DC – More than four years have passed since an overwhelming majority of the membership of the International Monetary Fund agreed to a package of reforms that would double the organization’s resources and reorganize its governing structure in favor of developing countries. But adopting the reforms requires approval by the IMF’s member countries; and, though the United States was among those that voted in favor of the measure, President Barack Obama has been unable to secure Congressional approval. The time has come to consider alternative methods for moving the reforms forward.