Kosovo is Europe’s Responsibility

One year after Kosovo became independent, the controversy will not go away, because Serbia persists in its rejection of the new reality, and, together with Russia, is doing everything in its power to prevent normalization. But Europe, which has primary responsibility for ensuring Kosovo's success, is also to blame, as five EU member states still refuse to recognize its independence.

One year ago, on February 17, 2008, Kosovo declared its independence, and has so far been recognized by more than 50 countries representing close to 60% of the world’s economic power. Interethnic violence – which many feared – has largely been avoided, and the mass exodus of Serbs that some also predicted has not occurred. The Comprehensive Proposal for the Kosovo Status Settlement (the so-called “Ahtisaari Plan”), which provides for international supervision of Kosovo’s independence, is gradually being implemented. A large civilian European Union mission has been deployed.
