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With German voters clearly demanding comprehensive change, the far right has been capitalizing on the public's discontent and benefiting from broader global political trends. If the country's democratic parties cannot deliver, they may soon find that they are no longer the mainstream.
explains why the outcome may decide whether the political “firewall” against the far right can hold.
The Russian and (now) American vision of "peace" in Ukraine would be no peace at all. The immediate task for Europe is not only to navigate Donald’s Trump unilateral pursuit of a settlement, but also to ensure that any deal does not increase the likelihood of an even wider war.
sees a Korea-style armistice with security guarantees as the only viable option in Ukraine.
Rather than engage in lengthy discussions to pry concessions from Russia, US President Donald Trump seems committed to giving the Kremlin whatever it wants to end the Ukraine war. But rewarding the aggressor and punishing the victim would amount to setting the stage for the next war.
warns that by punishing the victim, the US is setting up Europe for another war.
Within his first month back in the White House, Donald Trump has upended US foreign policy and launched an all-out assault on the country’s constitutional order. With US institutions bowing or buckling as the administration takes executive power to unprecedented extremes, the establishment of an authoritarian regime cannot be ruled out.
The rapid advance of AI might create the illusion that we have created a form of algorithmic intelligence capable of understanding us as deeply as we understand one another. But these systems will always lack the essential qualities of human intelligence.
explains why even cutting-edge innovations are not immune to the world’s inherent unpredictability.
利普顿,佛蒙特州—去年11月,有史以来最活跃的大西洋飓风季接近尾声,最后两场大风暴——埃塔和埃欧塔——席卷了中美洲。《华盛顿邮报》一名报道灾后工作的记者采访了一位名叫布兰卡·科斯塔(Blanca Costa)的洪都拉斯妇女,采访时她正在高速公路立交桥下避难。她靠收垃圾养活她的三个女儿,之前仅有的三匹拖垃圾车的马都淹死了。40岁的科斯塔说:“我现在只能走路收垃圾了。”大约有100人在桥下避难,科斯塔便是其中之一。“但之后日子就更艰难了。”
气候灾害袭击时,大多数人不需要也并不想搬到很远的地方。如果干旱导致农场倒闭,工人通常会在离家尽可能近的地方寻找新工作。 如果极端天气毁坏房屋,人们倾向于暂时离开住处,而不是一去不回。但随着不利天气越来越极端,人们便需要搬得更远,离开得更久。
这样看来,如果首要任务是防止全球变暖,让更多的人无需因为气候灾害流落他乡,紧随其后的便是尽可能减少那些非自愿移民所受的创伤。无论各国政府态度如何,全球已有数百万人因为气候危机背井离乡。 美国尤其应当承担其责任,简单粗暴地树高墙、设监狱,或者像拜登政府严厉警告中美洲人“不要来美国”,这样的做法是万万不行的。
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但气候移民选择前往美国并不是心之所向,而是无计可施。与迫使他们移民的风暴相比,他们移民之旅的痛苦是有过之而无不及。 一路上,家庭四分五裂,移民们也要历尽艰难险阻。 有些人命丧途中,有些人被杀身亡,还有更多人被抢劫、被勒索、被袭击。
正从将边境变成死亡陷阱中获利的公司们不会白白放弃这块大蛋糕,而依赖 “强硬移民”政策的政府也不会不战而退、无功而返。 但那些为移民和难民寻求正义的人一直在街头斗争并取得一些胜利。 此外,随着微软与美国移民和海关执法局的关系成为焦点,激进分子和工会正敦促公司放弃边境监视和拘留合同——投资者也注意到了这点。
这些问题已经搅动了许多国家的政坛。问题不会凭空消失,不解决就会一直存在。 为了世界各地的气候移民,我们必须解决这些问题。我们排放的二氧化碳不分国界,我们的同情心也应该如此。
Translated by Li Anqi from Intellisia Institute